Adding a new member to your family has got to be the most exciting feeling ever. You carry the baby for 9(ish) months. During those long months you talk to the baby, sing to the baby, get the nursery ready, and prep siblings for the new baby. Then the day comes. The day you have waited on for so long is finally here. Your water breaks, you go to the hospital, you have an intense labor, and then it happens. The baby you have waited on for so long is finally here. You hold him in your arms and never want to let go.
Kati and I had her fresh 48 session scheduled for a few months. She is a fellow teacher and the hospital she delivered at is very close to the school. I knew I would be ready to go whenever I got the call that she was going to the hospital. She was due to be induced on a Thursday morning but Brady had other plans. Her water broke on Wednesday night, they loaded up and headed to the hospital to meet their sweet boy. After a long and intense labor she was able to hold her beautiful baby boy. All of that hard work was so worth the end prize.
Welcome to the world, Brady! You have great parents and an amazing big sister!
Check out some of my favorites from their session below.