Sweet baby Eliana made her appearance in the world on December 1st. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz. and was 18.5 inches long. Her parents, Brenda and Anthony, are head over heels in love and so proud (as they should be).
Brenda scheduled her session with me several months ago and I was anxiously waiting to meet her, Anthony and the new addition. We were a little worried that the baby would come while I was out of town for Thanksgiving but luckily she stayed put and I was able to capture the most adorable pictures for their family.
Brenda was in labor for over 24 hours. Say what??!! This lady is so strong! She ended up having a c-section. I’ve never had to have one but I do know from friends that the recovery is extremely painful. When I arrived to take the pictures Brenda was up walking around and you couldn’t even tell she was in pain. She was such a trooper! Anthony, you should be so proud of her (as I know you are)!
Brenda and Anthony, thank you so much for trusting me with such special memories. It was so great meeting the three of you! Congratulations!! Eliana is beautiful!