Sweet Miss Adalynn is so perfect! I was able to meet her last week for the first time and she is so adorable! Adalynn was born on September 15th. She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 20 inches long. Not only did I get to meet this little cutie, I also got to meet her dog-sister, Penelope, and she was so cute! She was very interested in Adalynn. So sweet! <3
As I was snuggling Chelsea and Adam’s sweet baby it made me even more excited about my little one arriving soon. I love the newborn stage, despite the sleepless nights. Being able to snuggle those itty babies is so calming to me. The newborn stage goes by so quick and I remember it vividly with each of my kiddos. When I think back on those times I remember lots of crying and no sleep but one thing I remember more than anything was the ability to hold my baby any time I wanted to no matter what the reason. As kids gets older they become more and more independent and want to snuggle less and less. So, Chelsea and Adam soak up all of these moments (sleepless or not) and enjoy your little bundle every minute.
I am so happy for you both! Thank you so much for trusting me with such precious memories. Adalynn is a doll and I can’t wait to see all of the wonderful things she will do as she grows up. <3